Tel: 001 212-854-9366
- M.Sci. (highest honor): Physics Faculty St. Petersburg State University, Russia.
- PhD: physical chemistry. St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Thesis: “Dynamics of proton exchange in cyclic H bonded complexes in solution”. Advisor: Prof. S.F. Bureiko
- Major Courses and Skills: Physical chemistry of interfaces, environmental/aquatic chemistry, (electro)catalysis and electrochemistry; surface and colloid science, spectroscopy.
Technical Interests
- (Photo)electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into fuels using earth-abundant catalysts;
- Development of new spectroscopic methods to study adsorption and redox processes at the electrode-electrolyte interface;
- Bottom-up development of more sustainable chemical processes in mineral processing, oil and gas industries
- Tailoring of adsorption, dispersion, catalytic, and biocatalytic properties of inorganic colloidal nano- particles;
- Detection of engineered nanoparticles.
Experience – Research / Industrial
- 2007-present: Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University, Center for Particulate and Surfactant Systems, NY, USA
- 2000-2007: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medical Physics and Bioengineering St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia.
Extra-curriculum: Leadership, Teaching, outreach etc.
- Peer-reviewer in NSF, J Phys Chem, Langmuir, Energy and Fuels, Energy and Environmental Science, Electrochimica Acta, Int J Mineral Processing
- Member of American Chemical Society (ACS)